Takuo Watanabe (渡部 卓雄)
Professor, Ph. D.
Department of Computer Science, School of Computing
Institute of Science Tokyo
I have been working in the area of programming languages, programming methodologies, formal methods and secure computing. My research focuses on understanding the nature of reflective behaviors of concurrent computational systems, inventing new applications of reflection, and developing new abstraction mechanisms and programming models for safe/secure embedded systems.
I proposed a model of reflection in concurrent objects and developed a series of object-oriented concurrent programming language ABCL/R, which was the first attempt to apply reflection to concurrent systems. With this work and some successor works, I could widen the potential of computational reflection. One of the significant results at the time was a new kind of modularity introduced by the reflection that could provide the clear separation of various computational concerns in concurrent systems. The results had anticipated future developments in Aspect-Oriented Programming.
My recent works include: Theoretical approach to run-time monitoring of concurrent systems, Incremental development method of formally-verified programs, Functional reactive programming language for small-scale embedded systems, and Debugging method for actor-based concurrent systems based on reverse execution.
- Programming Systems Group (Research group directed by myself)
- Publication List: EN / JA
- CSC.T244: Creative Programming Projects / プログラミング創造演習
- CSC.T371: System Software / システムソフトウェア
- CSC.T431: Cyber-Physical Systems / サイバーフィジカルシステム
- XCO.T473: Foundation of Cybersecurity / サイバーセキュリティ概論
See also my Lab. website.
- Institute of Science Tokyo - October 1, 2024
- 情報処理学会シニア会員 (IPSJ Senior Member) - September 25, 2023
- 研究室合同説明会(2022年度学士特定課題研究・研究室配属希望者向け) - February 21, 2022
- 山下記念研究賞 (IPSJ Yamashita SIG Research Award) - August 3, 2021
- Shonan Meeting 149 (PL4DS) - May 27, 2019
- 東工大教育賞 (Tokyo Tech. Best Teacher Award) - March 6, 2018
- ACM Author-Izer Service - September 20, 2017
- Japan-Taiwan Workshop - July 24, 2016
…or you can find more in the archives.